1. Musk Twitter Red.shorts

2 hours ago  Elon was deep in conversation with Peter Diamandis, founder of the X Prize Foundation, when they talked about Musk's dream for humans to set foot on the Red Planet by 2026. NASA's projection was 2033. Elon Musk admitted that bitcoin and ethereum 'seem high' in Twitter exchange with Peter Schiff. The Tesla CEO retorted Schiff's claim that Gold was a better asset allocation than crypto. Lynxpclynx laptops & desktops driver download for windows 10. 16 hours ago  Technology mogul Elon Musk has a lined up a new gig in addition to his jobs as CEO of electric car maker Tesla and spaceship maker SpaceX.

Tesla CEO, Elon Musk is among the richest people in the world. However, he too, at one point in his career, faced rejection while applying for jobs.

Interestingly, it was after one such rejection that led to him start his own company — Zip2, a web software company that made him millions.

Musk Twitter

In a Twitter post, a user @PPathole shared an old picture of Musk while sharing how the businessman once wanted to be a part of Netscape but was unable to do so. “In 1995, Elon Musk wanted to work with an Internet company, he applied to work at Netscape, sent his resume, tried hanging out in their lobby, but he was too shy to talk to anyone.”

.@elonmusk and his companies (Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, Boring) is why I feel inspired and excited about the future of this humanity. #ElonMuskDay

— Pranay Pathole (@PPathole) April 20, 2021

While the user claimed that Musk started his own Internet company as he was unable to get a job anywhere, the 49-year-old founder of SpaceX clarified that he did get a job but just not at an Internet company as there weren’t many back in the ’90s.

I could get a job, just not at an Internet company (weren’t many back then)

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 21, 2021

Since being shared online, the post quickly went viral on social media and prompted many reactions among netizens. “He wasn’t shy; couldn’t stand the idea of working for anybody else ever again,” wrote a user while another tweeted, “A true visionary leader.”


— Hibah Khan (@HibahKhan15) April 21, 2021

Relatable 😂. I can relate to it.

— Murali S (@MrMuraliS) April 21, 2021

Brilliant Minds work Best for Themselves….!!!!!

— XRPLion — (Macro_Focused_Forecasting) (@XRPLion1) April 21, 2021

Love this guy @elonmusk
A true visionary leader.

Wish there is more people like him in this obsolete world.

— Bee_Brondiva (@bbrondiva) April 21, 2021

He wasn’t shy; couldn’t stand the idea of working for anybody else ever again.

Musk Twitter

Musk Twitter Red.shorts

— mishasmaster (@mishasmaster2) April 21, 2021